Fragrant Tales
Aspie in Menopause
Thinning eyebrows? What about Permanent Makeup

Thinning eyebrows? What about Permanent Makeup

Thinning eyebrows are common in menopause. Treja McClish gives tips and advice to those considering permanent makeup. 

Skin feeling tired or dry? Try this...

Fragrant Tales
Aspie in Menopause
Are heading into menopause? If so, this is the place for you!
Hello, I'm Wendy, a skincare alchemist and in my podcast interviews, you'll discover the secrets of personal protection from toxic energies through radionics, herbs for well-being, crystals to heal anxiety, soul retrieval for wholeness, and many more fascinating practices to uplift your body, mind and spirit.
In each episode, my guests and I share tips to help you thrive before and after menopause.